Monday, February 15, 2021

A Love Letter


This is the first time I have ever used the same post for staff and families ever. But it's just what I wanted to say. I hope you had a restful weekend! 

Dear Waggoner Students, Staff, and Families,

Thank you so much for being amazing. This past year we have faced many challenges together and I know that this four-day weekend was much needed and welcomed by all. I am so thankful for each and every one of you - you are the reason our Waggoner community is so special. I appreciate your perseverance and dedication through all of the obstacles. A year ago, I don't think anyone knew how this would all unfold and yet here we are still standing, together.  Know that you are seen and appreciated- this is not easy. I hope that during these four days that you were able to catch your breath, rest, and find some time to do things that you love with your favorite people. And know that right now that YOU are most important and I hope you are all taking care of you. 

I am so grateful to spend my days leading and serving in Winters, alongside you all. Sending you the biggest virtual hug! 

Consider this a love letter from me to all of you.

With love,


***I will be in Winters every day this week. Small cohorts start tomorrow 2/16. Thanks to Carrie, Connie, and Matt for tag teaming! 

February 17 1:30-2:00 - reopening presentation & DO Q & A in my zoom room
February17 Room prep 2:00-4:00 (after 1:30-2:00 meeting)
February 24 Room prep 1:30-4:00 - no meeting
February 22 Waggoner Family Forum 5:30 English / 6:30 Spanish
March 3 end of second trimester
Week of March 19th Report Cards sent home
March 22-26 Spring Break
March 29-30 Jennifer out visiting my new granbdbaby!
April 22 Poetry Jam

Happy Birthday February!

4 Gaby Fernández
9 Connie Balasek
15 Lucy Arellano
20 Hernando Diaz

Add your Gold Stars here!

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