Sunday, February 7, 2021

Be my valentine!

I just wasn't sure what image to put at the top of this post, but I do love you and ... well, cats love sleep! I also wanted to say thank you for a fun 100th day and Global School Play day! Trustee Trott gave a shout out at the board meeting to our school for the day of play, so even if it wasn't the same, please know you made an impact! The 100th day was also awesome-- knowing that this might feel like the millionth day of school this year. Thank you for planning such a fun day for our students. The fun will continue this week with getting ready for Valentines Day and I am looking forward to the lunch with the principal scavenger hunts T-Th this week. See the times below. I will post the zoom links for the principal lunches tomorrow for all. The Valentine Fun doc for the week is here: Click here! Feel free to add it wherever works for you. 
 Also, I apologize for the change in schedule Wednesday the 17th-- I had shared that there would be no meeting. The superintendent requested time to meet with each staff, and this coming Wednesday was already planned and full. I am super excited for EduProtocols! 

On the 17th, we will meet briefly from 1:30-2 for her presentation. Classified staff- this is optional and you are welcome to join. Then, that day the rest of the time teachers can use for room prep if you choose. I will also leave the 24th open for teachers to prepare rooms for hybrid. 

I do not like to backtrack on communication, and also want you to be up to date when info changes. In the meantime, although numbers are improving, it seems highly unlikely at this time that we would be open on the 22nd. Should we move to red tier soon, we will provide staff and families sufficient time to make arrangements. Things literally change daily right now- I  will continue to communicate and be transparent with what I know. For now, I  am choosing to breathe, and relax. Having said that, I think aiming for having rooms ready the week of the 19th-24th will prepare us well to open, to know what we need, and then we wait. Thank you for your flexibility during this time. 

Learners and Leaders!

Hip hip hooray for our Waggoner staff who continue to learn and lead! This past Saturday, Kristie led an awesome Area 3 Writing Project Super Saturday highlighting voice and choice for writing with digital tools! And our whole DBE team participated in a day of learning at the International Multilingual Education Virtual Professional Development Conference hosted by Loyola Marymount. We can't wait to hear all about these experiences!

Made with Padlet

Valentines Week Fun-  Lunch Party with the Principal!
K/TK: Tuesday 2/9 from 11-11:30
1st grade: Wednesday 2/10 from 12:10-12:40
2nd grade: Thursday from 12:10-12:40

¡Diversión de la semana de San Valentín!
K / TK: martes 2/9 de 11-11: 30
1er grado: miércoles 2/10 de 12: 10-12: 40
2do grado: jueves de 12: 10-12: 40

Dates & Details
Kindergarten and TK packets now available!
February 10 Agenda 1:30-2:15 PD/Staff Meeting: 2:15-2:45 Raena & Go Guardian (1st and 2nd grades) or 2:15-3:00 Choose YOur Own Adventure
February 10 3:00-4:00 EduProtocols with Jon Corippo is coming to Waggoner! This will be on Zoom :) 
February 12 & 15 No School in honor of Presidents Day
February 17 1:30-2:00 Superintendent Jimenez, Josh Harris, & Lisa Dennis - reopening presentation
February17 Room prep 
February 22 Waggoner Family Forum
March 3 end of second trimester
Week of March 19th Report Cards sent home
March 22-26 Spring Break
April 22 Poetry Jam

*This week I will be working from home Monday PM, Tuesday, and Thursday. Enjoy your 4 day weekend!

Happy Birthday February!

4 Gaby Fernández
9 Connie Balasek
15 Lucy Arellano
20 Hernando Diaz

Add your Gold Stars here!

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