Sunday, January 10, 2021

Powerful Words

Each year, we honor Dr. Martin Luther King's life and work with a national holiday near his January 15th birthday. Every year I am struck by his words. As a teacher I always taught my students about him each year, and how they might make a difference, and, and I know you do, too. My students wrote about their dreams. We listened to the book Martin's Big Words. Kids are always inspiring with their dreams, their love, and their wishes for peace. Even little kids get it! And yet I also felt that the day came and went until the next year. We all have dreams. We all wish for peace. But how do we get there? How can we live out his work every day of the year? How can we create a world that is too great for hate? 

What can I do? I am just one person. 
What can we do? How can we make a difference?

We have an incredible opportunity as educators as we spend our days with the children who will lead our world in the future. We have an opportunity to impact each other and our community. We can make a difference. I would love to hear your ideas for how we can really move forward with this work. We can't do everything but we can do something. 
This week, Christina and Justine created a powerful words project for students, staff, and families to learn a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and record themselves saying it on Flipgrid. We are going to work on adding quotes in Spanish and Kristen will be recording directions in Spanish also. And throughout this week our Waggoner voices will speak together in honor of Dr. King. I am so thankful to Christina and Justine for this suggestion and opportunity, and can't wait to hear you, our kids, and families sharing inspiring quotes with the world. I will be sharing this project out in this week's family blog. Below are the quotes and the Flipgrid. More quotes will be added. And if you have another one you love, let us know! Together we are a powerful force! And if you have other ideas for how we can make a difference together, please share! We can do small things together in a great way. 

Dates & Details
*This week I will be in Winters M/W/F and working from home T/Th.*
1/13  Professional Learning/DBE & EO Data chats and SIPPS planning 1:30 Agenda link 
1/15 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday
1/18 No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
1/20  No meeting
1/22  Grade level 1:30
1/27  Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30

Happy Birthday January!
1 Arlene Borchard
2 Ambi Gardner
15 Elise Martínez 
16 Jessica Nunez
19 Christine Baylor

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