Monday, January 4, 2021

Welcome to a new year!

This morning as I was getting ready for work I looked outside to see a beautiful rainbow! Did you see it too? I loved seeing that this morning and am taking it as a good sign for this new year! With that, I selected this rainbow welcome mat to usher in 2021. I hope your first day back has been wonderful.

As we welcome this new year, tiptoeing in softly, we will also tiptoe back into our literacy focus and three year plan. It feels like this year has been all safety and distance learning planning and not much else... as it should be. However, now that we are going to continue in distance learning for the time being we'll be revisiting writing and phonics starting this week. Of course, in the midst of a pandemic we won't be able to (nor should we) tackle everything in our three year plan. We will find one or two things we can move forward with between now and May knowing that returning to in person eventually will still pop up from time to time. 

Something we haven't done in awhile is write together! This week we will get a chance to do this! You don't need to bring anything, but you can be thinking about your hopes for this coming year. We will do some different activities to generate ideas and then you get to choose what you will create. 

Dates & Details
1/6    Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30 Agenda link 
1/13  Professional Learning/DBE & EO Data chats and SIPPS planning
1/20  No meeting
1/22  Grade level 1:30
1/27  Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30

Happy Birthday January!
1 Arlene Borchard
2 Ambi Gardner
15 Elise Martínez
16 Jessica Nunez
19 Christine Baylor

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