Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sweater Weather

The leaves are starting to change, the weather is cooler, and it feels like boots and sweater weather! I hope your weekend was filled with beauty, pumpkins, and rest. Sweater weather is just better! What is something that made you happy this past week? Leave a note in the comment section at the end of the blog.

October Birthdays!
6 Yisenia Gonzalez
10 Lucila Escamilla
11 Kristie Oates
28 Kristina Keola

World Mental Health Day 
Yesterday was World Mental Health Day and I listened to a few podcasts on my walk. One theme that kept popping up is how important it is to find to find things to be grateful for, and. the more we look for positives the more we will see. One of the podcasts also talked about the importance of anger - it is an emotion that motivates us and gets us going, but also that it is not an energy we can sustain. Another idea that resonated with me was that self care isn't about feeling happy or finding joy all the time, but rather allowing ourself to feel all of our feelings.  

On the topic of gratitude, this Ted Talk from 2011 is one I thought you might enjoy. It's just six minutes long.

Nature’s beauty can be fleeting -- but not through Louie Schwartzberg’s lens. His stunning time-lapse photography, accompanied by powerful words from Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast, serves as a meditation on being grateful for every day.

Dates & Details
October 12 WAEA Board Candidate Forum on Zoom 7:00 PM
October 12 Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 14 SIPPS Zoom PD 9-12 (pre registered only)
October 14 Professional Learning 1:30 
October 15 Board Meeting 6 PM
October 20 9:00-10:30 Jennifer Leadership
October 20 12-3:30 Jennifer at DO interviews Computer Support Specialist
October 20 3:45-5:15 CAIT
October 21 iReady PD 2nd grade 9:30-11:30
October 21 Professional Learning 1:30
October 30 Halloween Drive By Parade! 8:30-9:30 & 9:45-10:45 

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1 comment:

  1. Getting back out for a walk with my dogs on a beautiful fall evening filled my bucket this past week
