Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pioneers, Shout Outs & Stress Relief

This week I would like to first give a special shout out to our amazing intervention team! Thank you so much for your hard work and collaboration to get intervention up and running in this virtual world! It has been incredible to watch all of the different ways you have innovated and organized everything to get our intervention kids connected for additional support. You are truly venturing into a new frontier ahead of us and we look forward to learning from you as we move towards grade level wide differentiation in November. We are so grateful to have Jill, Juli, Nan, and Inez! I am excited to share that Jill will be here on a long term basis through at least December, and also am thrilled that Inez has had her time increased to 75% recently. That has been a long time coming. Thank you, ladies! 

Also, another shout out is needed for Connie and Carrie who are our pioneers for in-person instruction. Thank you for going first! This tiptoeing in with a tiny group of kids allows us to test it out on a small scale and ensure we have the safety protocols in place. I know it's still scary. I am encouraged by the success of the childcare program and am anticipating this will also go well. Masks will be worn by all. 

Finally, a shout out to Christine for the guided meditation on Wednesday. We appreciate your support of our wellness! To add to Christine's work, I have also included a brief video below to de-stress this week! 

Dates & Details

October 20 9:00-10:30 Jennifer @ Leadership
October 20 12-3:30 Jennifer at DO interviews Computer Support Specialist
October 20 3:45-5:15 CAIT
October 21 iReady PD 2nd grade 9:30-11:30
October 21 Professional Learning 1:30
Oct 25-Nov 8 Waggoner Book Fair
October 28 Professional Learning: DBE Meeting / EO Vertical Articulation 1:30
October 30 Halloween Drive By Parade! 8:30-9:30 & 9:45-10:45
November 11 No School - Veterans Day
November 18 Robin Preiss Glasser is coming!
November 23-27 Thanksgiving Break
December 4 Laura Numeroff is coming!

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