Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hello October! Checking In...

October Birthdays!
6 Yisenia Gonzalez
10 Lucila Escamilla
Kristie Oates
28 Kristina Keola

Checking In...
I have been thinking about how I can check in with each of you when we are not all together, and without having another meeting for you to attend. Some days. I walk around campus and find people, sometimes I am interrupting-- but I really want to make sure I am giving you what you need and that you are doing ok! I have some different ideas- and it could be customized depending on your needs. I was thinking there could be a Google form that you could complete each Wednesday. Or we could check in on Voxer-- that would allow you to check back in 1:1 when you have time and we could hear each other's voices :) Or we could meet in person. Walk around Winters? Talk by phone? If you could think about what kind of a check in would work for you that would be great! If you have an idea, leave a comment at the end of the blog. Here are a few images that have some questions for checking in with yourself and for checking in at the end of the week. I am here to support you! 

Visiting Classrooms
Now that we are into a little groove, I would like to start visiting classrooms each week just to be part of our community. Nothing formal! I just miss seeing kids and you! I have been in a few classes lately and would like to get into several classes each day if I can! I would love to know what times might work best for you. Related to that Dr. Ayon and Superintendent Jimenez would laos like to visit-- no days yet and those will be scheduled in advance. We will talk more at the staff meeting Wednesday. 

Class Buddies!
I was talking to a principal friend from Petaluma and she was telling me her school has started Zoom Buddies-- and she shared an example of buddies playing Scattergories! When she was talking about it, she mentioned that this is what we need more of: laughing, community and FUN! I don't even know if we have buddy classes yet, so think about that! :)

Dates & Details
October 5 Jennifer at DO 1-4 (Coordinator Ed Tech Interviews)
October 6 Jennifer Leadership Zoom 9:00-10:30
October 6 Jennifer Lottery Meeting 3:30-4:30
October 7 Professional Learning and Staff Meeting 1:30 Agenda
October 8 Jennifer meeting @ Waggoner w/ Superintendent Jimenez
October 9 Jennifer out of office
October 9 Grade Level Meeting 1:30-2:30
October 12 Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 14 SIPPS Zoom PD 9-12 (pre registered only)
October 14 Professional Learning 1:30 
October 15 Board Meeting 6 PM
October 21 iReady PD 2nd grade 9:30-11:30

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