Monday, September 28, 2020

When the dust settles

This weekend I had a chance to get away for a few days. I was nervous about being out and about in a small town with a lot of people and decided to stay one night at a place I could walk to the beach and have takeout in my room. It was the first time I have cracked open a book since June - a nice, light, pumpkin spice kind of a read... and I wrote in my journal! I can't remember the last time I wrote. When I say I wrote, I literally wrote a list of all the things I could see and hear from my deck. I found myself feeling emotional and was caught off guard by that. I loved all that I could see and hear but also it made me so aware of the loss we feel right now. And how hard it is to see when we are deep in it. I hope that you are okay, and also that you are taking time to find a little slice of normal, something that brings you joy. 

I saw this quote in Petaluma on my way home Sunday and it seemed like just the right thing for right now.
Here's hoping the dust settles soon.

Speaking of a slice of normal, one of my friend's middle schools did a virtual student of the month lunch on Zoom! I was thinking this might be fun! I know I used to do Principal's Lunch - what do you think? Would you all like to join? Maybe a TK/K one, and then a 1/2 one? I would love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment at the end of the blog!

Dates & Details

September 30th Beach Day! & Second Grade Packet Pickup

September 30th No Staff Meeting-- Conference Week

October 7th Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30

October 14th Professional Learning 1:30

October 21st Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30

October 28th DBE/EO Vertical Articulation & Data Mtg

November 11 No School

November 23-27 Thanksgiving Break

Gold Stars!

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  1. I love looking at the Gold stars to see how kind everyone is

  2. Yes, the Gold Stars are a favorite to read!

    Also, I like the idea of a principal's lunch again...the kinders seemed to have enjoyed it last year. It's amazing how you feel after two days away from school work. Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
