Sunday, September 20, 2020

Be a light


I remember watching Thomas Rhett sing this song last April and loved the lyrics and the acoustic vibe. But I also just loved that his shirt matched his curtains. :) All of these artists were playing live from home. Be a light. 

Thank you for being a light and for making a difference! 

I have also shared Waggoner Teachers 20-21 Calendar with you and have added the professional learning and staff meeting dates for the year. Please be sure to click "add this calendar" when you get the email. The meeting topics will morph as needed as we go through the year. You will also notice pretty much monthly that there are DBE/EO Articulation Meetings. These will serve two purposes, one tow allow the DBE team time to connect for DBE things, and also for us to vertically articulate as DBE/EO teams and look at data together. More info to come- those are still professional learning meetings but will have a data and collaboration focus. Also, you will notice the Friday 1:30-2:30 grade level meetings twice a month. Once we are back to school on a regular schedule those will be minimum days and dedicated to grade level time.

For teachers who are new, you will also see Discretionary Days (do what you would like days) and grading days which will not have meetings. The Wednesday calendar doc can be found in Google Classroom also. 

This week, teachers have grading time so you have time to complete progress reports (with whatever progress and data you have so far) and also to complete the accountability tracker. The DBE team will meet briefly at 1:30 on Zoom on the 23rd. I will be available to help with the tracker at 2:30 if needed. Please help new members to your team with accessing your progress report forms. Thank you!

As far as conferences, I know you all just conferenced with families. Some of you would like to conference again, and some of you may do as needed or by request. Either is fine. My communication to families tomorrow will share that the afternoons that week teachers will be available to connect with parents about progress so far, and that teachers will share specific information about conferences and availability. I know we do not have much data yet, and families may also feel like they do not need a conference again so soon. All families should receive a progress report by Friday October 2nd whether or not you conference. Please let me know if you have questions. There is no staff meeting next week, either. The schedule for next week is the same since we are already on a minimum day schedule. 

Thank you all for a smooth start to the year. Your hard work does not go unnoticed! I hope you are getting into a groove!

Gold Stars!

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