Thursday, May 14, 2020

May 15 #brave

Y'all are the bravest people I know! You have looked this crisis right in the eyes and have truly shined. No matter what the start of school brings I know that together we will be just fine. Thank you. I will keep you posted as I learn more. 

With this in mind, we are onward and forward and planning as if we will be back to normal knowing we may need to shift. We will cross that bridge when we get to it! I have been working on the bell schedule, the STEAM schedule and things like that - and finding some relief in planning for when life is normal! Next week is class building, packing up student work, report cards and closing out classrooms. It will be June before we know it. Please let me know if you need any help with any of this!

We will not have a regular staff meeting next Wednesday as next week is class building time. I have created a Google Doc and a Google Slide template for building classes that I hope will help you virtually. I know it's not the same as sorting cards on the table. Thanks for being willing to embrace the digital and try! Both templates will be available Monday, as will your grade level placement info. 

We will have a staff meeting on May 27th at 3:00 and will be inviting our new staff members to join and saying farewell to Agustin- we wish you the best!

Lots of May birthdays to celebrate!
1st Sandy Donaldson -- 2nd Jennifer Kloczko -- 11th Inez Sanchirico --12th Betsy Bryan -- 19th Shonda Childs --24th Jamie Hanna & Jaleea Paminsan -- 26th Tracy Murrin -- 30th Christina Peterson & Nicole Brace

May 15 Class Placement cards and PGC Reflections due (teachers) -- see Google Classroom for info and docs. Grade level zooms this week for class placements

May 15th 10:00 Staff Campfire on Zoom! Bring your cocoa and marshmallows! Think about your favorite thing to cook over a fire, and your favorite place to hike!

May 18th at 5:00 NAME THAT TUNE on Zoom- Staff Game Night! In vite is in your email :)
May 18-23 - WJUSD Classified Appreciation Week - thank you for ALL you do!
May 22nd Class Placement Cards due 4 PM
May 25 No School
May 26-27 K / TK Chromebook return and kid stuff distribution 9-11 and 12-2
May 27 Staff Meeting 3:00
May 28-29 1st/2nd Chromebook return and kid stuff distribution 9-11 and 12-2
May 27th Staff Meeting

Have a great week! 

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