Sunday, May 10, 2020 May 10 #allkidsareourkids

On this Mother's Day, I would like to say thank you to all of you -- as teachers you also serve as parents to our students every day -- as mamas (and papas) to each child in your class and in our school. You have hopes and dreams and worries and fears, laughter and sometimes tears. Truly, all kids are OUR kids. And every adult in our school is a teacher! Our students are so lucky! Thank you for being the nurturing, loving, and caring people that you are. 
Lots of May birthdays to celebrate!
1st Sandy Donaldson -- 2nd Jennifer Kloczko -- 11th Inez Sanchirico --12th Betsy Bryan -- 19th Shonda Childs --24th Jamie Hanna & Jaleea Paminsan -- 26th Tracy Murrin -- 30th Christina Peterson & Nicole Brace
May 11-15th - WJUSD Classified Appreciation Week 
May 11 10 AM Second grade team Zoom
May 11 1 PM First grade team Zoom
May 12  2:30 TK / K team Zoom
*these are weekly standing meetings for your team - looking forward to joining you!
May 13 WJUSD Day of the Teacher
May 13 Staff Appreciation Virtual Event on Zoom! Invite coming soon!
May 15  Class Placement cards and PGC Reflections due (teachers) -- see Google Classroom for info and docs. 
May 15th 10:00 Staff Campfire on Zoom! Bring your cocoa and marshmallows! Think about your favorite thing to cook over a fire, and your favorite place to hike!

May 18th 5:00 Name that Tune! 
Staff Game Night on Zoom!

Sending you off with a song... I have been enjoying some inspiring music while at home and thought you might like this one! Que sera. 

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