Sunday, February 28, 2021

March On...


We are getting there. Probably somewhere between the cat and the lake depending on the time of day. This week I'll spare you a long post because I know you are on information overload. 

Punch Lists
First, teachers, if you are not done with your punch list that's ok. We have the rest of the week to finish. When you are done and ready for a walk through, please print it and give to Nicole. Jorge is on vacation this week so also please be patient with us as Sandy is working hard to get things done. If you need something moved, or plexiglass peeled, please email Nicole and she will add to the list. I am also out Monday/Tuesday and will be back Wednesday. Thank you to Brandy for being so helpful with EVERYTHING and Nicole & Kristina for your leadership on all the things! Thank you Sandy and Jorge for the hard work with moving and peeling and cleaning and everything you are doing to help prepare for reopening.

If you need supplies for students (in case you have a new one or inherited some from another class) please let Nicole or Kristina know and they will have Brandy pull those for you. 

New crayons have also arrived. 
I will have the ziploc bags and pencil sharpeners for distribution when I get back Wednesday. 

Teachers, I will be letting families know you may have limited office hours this week as you will be working on final prep to reopen. 

Recess Zones Info

No Sped pull out or Intervention March 8-19
So that teachers can have the whole day to familiarize kids with routines and procedures, there will be no reading intervention during the first two weeks of school. This will resume after spring break. And it also allows Nan, Juli, Inez, and Jill to be all hands on deck to support and supervise. I hope this simplifies your first two weeks. OT, Speech, and special education assessments will continue as they work across multiple sites and have more moving parts. Thanks for your flexibility! Connie and her team will be prioritizing push in during the first two weeks (on the days they are in person with you) as we do in typical back to school time. Please reach out to Connie or I with questions. Thanks!

Vaccination Coverage
We will come up with a plan for vaccine coverage the week before break but we WILL NOT have subs to be able to cover them all. It will be a combination of classified, support staff, and admin filling in the holes. If you are not sure how you will feel the day after, please plan as if you will be out, and then let us know if you able to come in. 

It's just not a reality with all the vaccines (yay) in the district that we can cover them all. I will keep you posted. It will work out, I am not worried and you shouldn't worry either. Just a heads up.

March 2nd!

Have a great week.

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