Sunday, January 24, 2021

Lost that lovin' feeling?

Being real, some things we AND kids love best about elementary school are the special days... Halloween and Valentines Day are just a few! I think this year we have tried to make the best with drive by witches waves and more. Having said that, I was talking to a teacher the other day and she said that these special days that we can't really experience fully are really getting sad as we approach almost a year of distance learning. Sometimes it feels like we've lost that loving feeling, doesn't it?

Me, too! And we have more days like this coming up that we usually love! Global School Play Day is February 3rd. Valentines week is just around the corner too! I know it's a lot to keep gearing up for special days that don't always feel special. And you already have a lot on your plate. For these upcoming days I will plan some things that are either low/no prep or I will do a fun principal something for us school-wide. I know these are days we all love and kids remember, but I also acknowledge it's not the same! 

I was inspired by a conversation with Clara about Zoom choice time, and then on Instagram I saw some of my former teachers doing Fun Friday play times, and different game breakout rooms. I have some fun ideas to share at Wednesday's meeting. This might be just the ticket for Global School Play Day, or Play Hour...
Here are few pics, the first is TK, and the second kinder-- at different schools. So hang in there! I know it's hard to find the joy some days. Thank you for all you do. I hope you had a restful weekend! 

1/27  Student data/goals reflection meetings (schedule coming)
1/27  Professional Learning/Staff Meeting 1:30
1/27  Phil Tulga Journey Through The Mind Assembly
1/27 ELAC Meeting 5:00 Zoom Info here
2/1 K/TK applications available for 2021-22! Eeek!
2/3 Global School Play Day!
2/12 and 2/15 No School - Presidents Weekend
*Virtual Valentines Fun with the Principal coming soon! I'll be doing a Zoom scavenger hunt by grade level :) I just need to finalize the schedule. *

Happy Birthday January!
1 Arlene Borchard
2 Ambi Gardner
15 Elise Martínez 
16 Jessica Nunez
19 Christine Baylor

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