Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy November! #thankful

And just like that, it's November! November is one of my favorite months- I love fall leaves, family, and cooking. I also love the spirit of Thanksgiving and really focusing on finding things to be thankful for. Each day, I try to post or share one thing I am grateful for. Some days are harder than others, for sure. Today, I am grateful for our Waggoner team! I love how you all come together, whether it's dressing up for a fun event or digging deep to provide the best for our kids and families. Happy November! May your days be filled with things to be thankful for!

Have a wonderful week!

November Birthdays!

1 Zoe Adams
7 Laura Macay
8 Christine Carlisle
9 Nicole Saporito
14 Carrie Graf
22 Joanie Bryant
23 Stephanie Hernandez

Dates & Details
Oct 26-Nov 8 Waggoner Book Fair continues
November 3 9:00-10:30 Jennifer @ Leadership
November 4 K-5 ELAC on zoom 6-7 PM
November 11 No School - Veterans Day
November 18 Robin Preiss Glasser is coming!
November 23-27 Thanksgiving Break
December 4 Laura Numeroff is coming!
November 21-29 Thanksgiving Break
December 19-January 4 Winter Break

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