Thursday, April 2, 2020

WAG April 2 #standbyme #nottooclose

It's April, no foolin'! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and are finding the good in every day! I was looking for a video to include this week and I remembered this version of Stand By Me by Playing for Change. (You can read all about them and their dream to unite the world through music here:

I first heard this song 10 years ago and I was struck by the way they all played the same song together even though they were in different places. 

Seems like that's what we are up to now, right? Thankful we can stand together. 
So, stand by me... just no closer than 6 feet! 

In other news, we are gearing up to launch distance learning officially April 15th. Our work will look a lot different and we will have to work carefully to do what we need to do and maintaining social distancing. Thanks for your cooperation and work with scheduling our time to stay safe on campus!

Also, at 1:00 tomorrow, I have invited instructional assistants (sped and kinder) as well as library and campus supervisors to talk about work moving forward, or at least what I know now. There will be work to do for sure! Thanks for your patience as I sort out all of the things!

Finally, I hope you are all doing okay. I keep seeing posts about this new "home schooling", or distance learning, but really, it's none of that. It's an educational/ family/ economic crisis of epic proportions.
There will likely be many good things to emerge from this experience but it is still really hard and legitimate trauma for everyone. Be sure you are taking time for you, checking up on your people, and breathing! This new reality allows for us to exercise some flexibility in our day. Sitting in front of computers all day is not the business and a walk midday might be just what you need! 

Also, reach out to me or Christine if you need support. We are here for you! 

My friend Kelly (she teaches HS) posted this and I couldn't agree more. Online educators we are not, but we are going to absolutely CRUSH what we can one day at a time. 

Whatever you do is enough.
Thank you for everything! I miss your faces!

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