Sunday, April 26, 2020

w.a.g April 27 #goodjob

These are sure strange times and each week as I think about what to include in the WAG- it gets harder and harder to find the words. Every week was packed with dates and details and meetings and places to go and now there's not much to list... but we do have lots to celebrate this month-- so many birthdays! Cheers to another year around the sun to all! I'd also like to take time to celebrate all of you. I have struggled to find the right words to thank you all for everything you continue to do for our families, students, staff, and yourselves. I am missing so much just the normal day to day interactions. Saying hi in the hall. Recess, oh I would love to see kids playing right about now! Or see kids punching the cute little kitty button on the lunch pad as they pick up their lunch.

Some days are better than others. It is hard. I just wanted you to know that I miss you all and to tell you that you are doing a great job. This song by Alicia Keys puts into words what I cannot. To you, your families, and family and friends who are on the front lines as first responders, in stores, and more.

Thank you.

Lots of May birthdays to celebrate!
1st Sandy Donaldson -- 2nd Jennifer Kloczko -- 11th Inez Sanchirico --12th Betsy Bryan -- 19th Shonda Childs --24th Jamie Hanna & Jaleea Paminsan -- 26th Tracy Murrin -- 30th Christina Peterson & Nicole Brace
April 27 10 AM Second grade team Zoom
April 27 1 PM First grade team Zoom
April 28  2:30 TK / K team Zoom
*these are weekly standing meetings for your team - looking forward to joining you!
May 1 Virtual Spirit Day-- sports day! The Fun Friday this week will also have a sports theme :)

May 6 Teachers- staff meeting 1:30-3 (Zoom)
May 13 Staff Appreciation Virtual Event
May 15  Class Placement cards and PGC Reflections due (info coming)
May 20 Teacher - staff meeting 1:30-3 (Zoom)

May 1st 10 AM Zoom... Let's go on a Virtual Vacation! Bring something to share that represents a place you would like to go to once we can travel again!

Friday, April 17, 2020

WAG 4/17 #becausezoom

Dates & Details
Happy birthday, Tracey Matheson (April 16th) and Jen Pelletier (April 20th)! 

April 20 10 AM Second grade team Zoom
April 20 1 PM First grade team Zoom
April 21  2:30 TK / K team Zoom
*these are weekly standing meetings for your team - looking forward to joining you!

April 20th at 7 PM it's Staff Trivia Night on Zoom! If you haven't had a chance to fill out the form with your information, please complete by 6 PM Sunday the 19th so I can make the questions! Such fun responses so far! Complete the form here Staff Trivia Night  Bring your favorite beverage, let's have some fun and learn about each other :)

April 21 1:00 Special Education Distance Learning Training *open to all aides -- the meeting is on Zoom

April 22 1:30-3:00 Teachers- staff meeting Zoom Agenda
May 1*** updated date! 10 AM Zoom... Let's go on a Virtual Vacation! Bring something to share that represents a place you would like to go to once we can travel again!

Inspiration from the Staff Restroom!

All year, I have loved reading the inspiring Gail Boushey posts hung on the wall in our staff restroom. I discovered (as you may have already known) that Connie was posting these each week. They always seem so timely! In case you have been missing the inspiration, Connie is sending me the "potty posts" to add to the staff blog each week. Thank you, Connie!

Have  a great week!
When Everybody Wins

Gail Boushey
April 17, 2020
Issue: #612

Two weeks before Tim’s 50th state marathon, he fell—twice—on the icy roads of Missoula. The 14 days before a race are usually held sacred for planning and preparation—short and long runs, mental strategy, and so on. This time, however, they were filled with physical therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and medication. Still, Tim’s back was not healing sufficiently to run a marathon. Normally he would have canceled and rescheduled when his body had recovered, but this race was different.

For the previous two years, 40 people had been planning to travel to the race to watch, cheer, and celebrate Tim’s achievement of this 25-year goal. As each person arrived, Becky—his number-one supporter, manager, and hydration provider, as well as his wife—solemnly reported that her husband might not run. Tim succinctly explained, “I haven’t run since the accident two weeks ago.”

The day before the event, Tim took his first run with friends and fellow racers to test his ability to compete. That evening, upbeat but cautious, he announced that his body was responding adequately enough to run the race. His goal of finishing the marathon would remain the same, though he would adjust his objectives during the race as necessary.

For runners such as Tim, each race has intermediate goals or objectives. If you believe you can win, of course, you stay focused on what that takes, but other objectives might include such things as running a personal best time or powering through a particularly tough section of the course.

By mile 18 the next day, the injuries that Tim had suffered two weeks prior were having a significant effect, and he questioned whether his body would be able to carry him to the finish line. That is when strategy, mental toughness, years of preparation, and friendship took over. Andy and Eric, two friends who were running alongside Tim, stepped into the important roles of coaching and supporting. Their focus shifted from running their own best times to helping Tim make it across the finish line. Rather than achieving their own personal best times, Andy and Eric ran their most memorable races ever because of their efforts to support their friend. Tim finished the marathon, thus accomplishing an incredible 25-year athletic achievement—and all three men were winners.

Currently we are all in what seems like a never-ending race. We struggle to see the finish line, each section of our course seems tough, and we too question if someone is going to need to carry us along the way. However, it is during this race that we have seen teachers, administrators, coaches, consultants, authors, and parents join forces to help each other make it to the finish line. Collaboration is strong, resources are being shared, and we are coming together for our students and each other.

In my opinion, that makes us winners already – even if the finish line has yet to be determined.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

WAG 4/11

Happy Saturday! A little Jimmy Fallon & Roots for you today :)
The Wag is a Saturday edition this week- hope your weekend is off to an enjoyable start. My big win today was finding the last package of paper towels at Target this morning! Another highlight this week was the parade! What was your win this week?

I also am blown away by the collaboration this week- everything from stuffing supply bags to collaborating on AWESOME plans for the kickoff of distance learning Wednesday. Google classrooms for grade levels, STEAM, Music, Special Ed & Intervention, and OT! Wow. Our families have many amazing resources for learning and support at home. Thank you!

Thank you also to our maintenance and custodial team for all you are doing to keep our school clean and safe. We appreciate you!

Starting this week, I will be planning some informal staff get togethers that are optional and designed just to connect and have fun! This Friday the 17th at 10:00 I'd like to invite you to a coffee chat on zoom, just to say hi and visit. I'll send a zoom invite! Bring a cup of coffee or your favorite hot morning beverage! Open to all!

Monday the 20th will be Staff Trivia night at 7:00! Below, you'll find a google form to complete and I'll come up with a trivia game to play on Zoom-- a kahoot or quizizz probably. If you can complete by the 17th that would be great! I hope you can join!

Also, I know we have reserved Wednesdays at 1:30 for the usual staff meetings- those won't start officially until the 22nd so everyone can get settled in. I would like to set up a standing check in with grade levels each week via zoom- thanks kindergarten for setting yours up! If 1st and 2nd can shoot me a few times we can get those on the calendar. Fridays are pretty open except our team huddle time at 10.

Dates & Details this week:
Happy birthday to Nan (4/9), and Camille (4/10) this past week!
Coming up: Tracey Matheson (4/16) and Jennifer Pelletier (4/20)

Drive thru Student Work & Chromebook Pickup
Tuesday 4/14 10:00-12:00 DBE 1st/2nd Mr. Hernandez, Macay, Wells, Mendez
Tuesday 4/14 12:30-2:30 DBE Kindergarten Escamilla & Gonzales
Wednesday 4/15 8:30-10:30 Kindergarten / 2nd (Oates, Baylor, Bailey, Bryant, Luna)
Wednesday 4/15 12:00-2:00 TK, 1st / 2nd grade (Gardner, Petersen, Lester, S. Hernandez, Hanna)

Friday 4/17 Coffee Chat 10 am on Zoom!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

WAG April 2 #standbyme #nottooclose

It's April, no foolin'! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and are finding the good in every day! I was looking for a video to include this week and I remembered this version of Stand By Me by Playing for Change. (You can read all about them and their dream to unite the world through music here:

I first heard this song 10 years ago and I was struck by the way they all played the same song together even though they were in different places. 

Seems like that's what we are up to now, right? Thankful we can stand together. 
So, stand by me... just no closer than 6 feet! 

In other news, we are gearing up to launch distance learning officially April 15th. Our work will look a lot different and we will have to work carefully to do what we need to do and maintaining social distancing. Thanks for your cooperation and work with scheduling our time to stay safe on campus!

Also, at 1:00 tomorrow, I have invited instructional assistants (sped and kinder) as well as library and campus supervisors to talk about work moving forward, or at least what I know now. There will be work to do for sure! Thanks for your patience as I sort out all of the things!

Finally, I hope you are all doing okay. I keep seeing posts about this new "home schooling", or distance learning, but really, it's none of that. It's an educational/ family/ economic crisis of epic proportions.
There will likely be many good things to emerge from this experience but it is still really hard and legitimate trauma for everyone. Be sure you are taking time for you, checking up on your people, and breathing! This new reality allows for us to exercise some flexibility in our day. Sitting in front of computers all day is not the business and a walk midday might be just what you need! 

Also, reach out to me or Christine if you need support. We are here for you! 

My friend Kelly (she teaches HS) posted this and I couldn't agree more. Online educators we are not, but we are going to absolutely CRUSH what we can one day at a time. 

Whatever you do is enough.
Thank you for everything! I miss your faces!