Thursday, March 19, 2020

Waggoner WAG 3/19

Good morning all,
I wanted to be sure to share out the WAG as usual on Thursday this week, knowing that it will look a little different for the forseeable future. I also wanted to say thank you all again for your hard work in preparing for our students to be gone and the work that will continue. I am loving hearing about the learning happening and seeing pictures!  
And thanks for sending the family emails and copying me. I know families appreciate your hard work. In the coming weeks there will be more to talk about and I am sure there will be questions about what's ahead. But I don't want you to worry about all that.

For now, I do want you to take care of you. To rest. To shop for what you need. To check on friends and family. That is all that really matters right now. These past few weeks have been stressful and staying happy and healthy is priority number one. I hope you are well, and that you can stay connected in our Voxer group, on FB, by text, or email. It will not be the same for awhile! We are better together, even when we are apart!

Next week is Spring Break! Although your plans have likely changed, I hope you can take that time to recharge. I will be thinking about the things we will still need to accomplish this year and how we can connect virtually to do those things. Some things will need to come off the list. In the meantime, if you are playing around with tech tools and need help, let me know! I would love if anyone would be willing to play around with Google Meet with me so I can learn! I also don't know if you all have devices at home, and some of you may live where there is spotty or no internet. 

Tech Tip: I learned today the for kids to access Epic for free at home with your class code, they need to click the STUDENTS AND EDUCATORS button. You will need to set up an account if you don't have one and would like to use it. Clicking the PARENT button will make them pay. Epic has made it free!

Also, I know the read aloud videos may be harder than it should be. I'll be sending a few tips to make it easier today or tomorrow. :)

Please call if you need anything and stay safe! 
Tomorrow is also F Word Friday! I hope you can find some time for fitness, family, fun, and food! 
I've included the Fit Friday slides (modified for home) below and will send to families too :) 

You can still join our Voxer group here: 

Best wishes!

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